UX Writer
UX Design, UX Research, Content Strategy, Product, Engineering
Challenge :
To develop the product so that it would work with different departments with different goals. To write copy that worked for both the client side (businesses) and user side. There were a lot of intricacies involved because there were so many types of businesses which would be globally using the product.
To work with the content strategist and UX writers on other teams and report back to my team in order to create a cohesive flow of text along every point of the user experience.

The home page. We worked with the engineers so that the copy changed according to the client side vs the user side. Working alongside UX research, we also changed key words (such as "retail" or "enterprise") depending on the client.

Key Learnings :
A 360-understanding of a product is critical. In order to create a seamless experience, I had to work with every department to understand the technical aspects of the product, the business goal, the user goal as per how the product team envisioned those goals and what the users understood those goals to be and find a bridge through word. Communication was critical to this project.